The Blockchain

Good Practice Handbook

Practical SME application use cases

Retail & customer applications

Project Name:


A project by:



Company representatives:

Company intro and use case overview

An Online Casino wanted to increase current customers time on the platform. This same goal is shared between a lot of companies not only from the Gambling industry like this specific case, but from different sectors. This goal was achieved by creating an Ethereum private Blockchain network implementing a new rewards mechanism for customers, generating more engagement and longer times on platform. This initiative generates more engagement over the same user’s base they already had. Customers get CBET coins (from the blockchain). The holders of these coins earn a monthly reward in milibitcoins (mBTC). Customers checking their balance spend more time on the platform.

Operational challenges

This initiative provides better returns to the company implementing this system by generating a new ecosystem where customers are more engaged with the platform and the brand. Before customers only used the platform when they wanted to play, but as soon as they completed the interaction, they abandoned the platform for a while. With the new system customers feel more engaged with the brand and stay longer periods online either playing or checking balance.