The Blockchain

Good Practice Handbook

Practical SME application use cases

Industry value chain applications sector use cases

Industry value chain applications

Project name: ZKP project for third parties

The initiative uses the Zero Knowledge Proof, part of blockchain technology, in order to validate data from users. Verifiers ask for some information of a client and only get access to that information, so clients maintain privacy of data, but they confirm required information.

Project name: TRUST4OLIVE

System for monitoring traceability of olive oil supply chain using blockchain is developed and tested. The olive oil supply chain has been described in deep from farm to fork for the Almazaras de la Subbética case.

Project name: ShareBeef

Creation of shared value in the beef cattle supply chain by means of data sharing along the different stages, taking account of consumer values (grass-fed meat and animal welfare and others). This demonstrative project will deal with IoT sensor data to feed the blockchain infrastructure. In terms of traceability, it will take advantage of the mandatory individual identification of each animal for beef cattle.

Project name: EusKate

Generation of new knowledge based on the use and applicability of Blockchain technology in industry and in particular in Advanced Manufacturing. A Blockchain platform for Industry 4.0 will be created, allowing the creation of prototypes in laboratory environments, validation, experimentation and analysis of new products and services that can offer added value to the companies.

Project name: EFICHAIN

The main objective of the Efichain Project is to investigate the feasibility of applying novel distributed registration/blockchain technologies in real market applications for individuals and companies oriented to positive influence on the behaviour of citizens since promoting their energy efficiency. To achieve this, an integrated collaborative system based on Blockchain technologies for the efficient use of energy in a Smart City ecosystem is being developed. In addition, the system will reverse in a social project that provides energy to disadvantaged groups

Project name: IBISA Network

IBISA means Inclusive Blockchain Risk Sharing using Space Assets. It is a decentralized marketplace that enables smallholder farmers to share crop loss risk globally, with low costs, fast assessment and payment, and no need to file a claim